Infinite Meals is a recipe search engine that uses OpenAI's GPT-3.5-Turbo-1106 Model through Open AI API to generate recipes for any given Food. It's a simple and easy way to find new recipes and get inspiration for your next meal.
Looks for the recipe searched in Redis Cache and Main Database
Uses Open AI API to generate recipes based on the search query
Fetches Recipe based on the UID
Adds the recipe generated by AI to the database and cache
Searches for the image in the cache and database for a recipe
Uses Serp API to search for images based on the search query using Google Images Search
[unused] Uses DALL - E to create images for food Items based on the search query
Uploads Images to Cloudinary and updates the database inserting the imgURL, also caches the imgURL
Creates A new Tag if not already present in list of Tags in Database.
Gets the list of all tags present in the database
Gets the list of all recipes present in the database with the tag
Uses Open AI API to generate a recipe for the given tag